• So, I heard about this fruit snack from Kellogg’s of the UK called Real Fruit Winders that was sold in the 2000s. I caught wind of it when I was watching an episode of Cursed Commercials. And yeah, it is Cursed. However, I wanted to know more about some of the characters, particularly, the strawberry […]




  • I’m gonna be using this site primarily for original content. Sure, there might be some fan art, but that’s only for myself, and I don’t think that’s very likely. But anyway, here’s what I have planned for the future: As for projects… That’s all I have planned for now. Expect more in the future.




  • I have returned! About a year ago, someone hacked into my website and basically wiped out everything. Tortoisesensei.com was all gone. Hopefully, that won’t happen again. To my new followers on social media and people new to the site, allow me to introduce myself. I go by the name Tansau, which is a Wing Chun […]


